Public transportation in Budapest works pretty well. Even if bus drivers don’t always care about passengers’ comfort, even if controllers tend to be rude sometimes and they don’t speak foreign languages, the system is solid. The network covers the whole city, you have alternatives, departures and arrivals and connections are rather predictable.

(Photo of Max, one of my guests)

Whenever you can, avoid taxis. You may think it’s too subjective from my part but I’d never choose a taxi when public transportation is available. It’s much more expensive and: much slower as well. I mean most of the times, in busy hours for sure. Of course, when you need a private and climatized zone, or you have huge bags, taxi is more comfortable. But the access to the meeting point of a pre-booked experience, or when you only follow the itinerary of a photo tour with a small back pack, public transportation is the right choice.

Tips and more useful info:

Coming from the airport to the city centre, or back to the airport:

Bus nr 100E

From the airport between 5am to 1:20am, every 20 minutes

Stops at Kálvin tér, Astoria and Deák Ferenc tér

Back to the airport between 3:40am to 0:40am from Deák Ferenc tér, every 20 minutes.

Price of the ticket: 900 HUF (2,8 EUR or 3,2 USD in July, 2019)

You can buy tickets at the driver but also on a mobile application, check this:

If you stick to the taxi, instead of airport taxi companies, you’d better use taxify:

So as to find the timetable, choose the right ticket (1 ride, 10 rides, 1-2-3-4-5 day pass, more than 1 passengers, etc), check the web page and the mobile application of the local public transportation company:

1-ride tickets need to be validate in the vehicle, or at the entrance of the metro. Don’t forget to find the pincher and check the validation because sometimes controllers hunt for foreign tourists like you. That’s a shame but it’s true.

This app also provides you with a trip planner, maybe you will like it:

And you can always ask me about your plan.